Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Black Parrot

Black Parrot or Kato Nwar in Creolee. Many bird experts treat it as a local form of a species found in Madagascar and Comores, but some think it is a separate species found nowhere but Seychelles. Here, it was once more widespread, but was killed by humans because it likes to eat cultivated fruit including mango, bilimbi and papaya.  It survived on Praslin and is now protected by law. It nests in old hollow trees, which are rare because human cut down trees for timber before they reach old age.

Fortunately, the birds also use special deep nest boxes provided for them as a conservation measure.

Those looking to do a little bird watching in Seychelles will be rewarded with a destination that provides a myriad of exciting opportunities. Migrants, vagrants, sea birds, and land birds are all found inhabiting the Seychelles, which is a sort of African Galapagos in many regards.
A good amount of the Seychelles birds are quite rare, being endemic just to the Seychelles. These are some of the planet's rarest endemic birds, so what Seychelles birding amounts to, more or less, is quality over quantity. One of the best things about bird watching in Seychelles is the fact that you don't necessarily have to arrange a special tour to do so. While you enjoy such renowned reserves as the Vallee de Mai on Praslin Island, and the Veuve Reserve on La Digue, you'll be able to casually spot some unique avian species as you go.

Most folks who are planning Seychelles birding trips start on the main island of Mahe, which is the ideal springboard for island-hopping excursions of all kinds. Mahe itself is an excellent place to do some birdwatching, as are other granitic islands like Praslin and La Digue. Bird Island, which is found relatively close to the main group of granitic islands, has quite a proper name indeed, and many Seychelles bird watching trips based out of Mahe include it. Sooty Terns, Fairy Terns, Saunders Terns, and Terns of other varieties are quite abundant on Bird Island. The granitic islands of the Seychelles are utterly breathtaking, and they are certainly ideal for those for birdwatchers of all ranks. For the most serious birders, trips to the coralline islands of the Seychelles should also be considered.
Some of the best Seychelles birding destinations are the small, granitic islands of Aride and Cousin, which are easy to reach from both Mahe and Praslin. Both of these islands are nature reserves, and there are no overnight accommodations on them, but that doesn't mean you can visit them on day trips. Some of Seychelles birds that you will likely spot on these islands are the Magpie Robin and Seychelles Fody. Aride Island is home to more than a million birds from about 10 different species, and it's the only place in the Seychelles granitic islands where you can spot red-tailed tropicbirds. Cousin Island offers up the Seychelles Warbler, which for a considerable amount of time could only be found here. Not far off on Praslin Island, the Vallee de Mai Reserve is home to the rare Seychelles Black Parrot. And, should you head to the slower-paced La Digue Island, a walk through the Veuve Reserve should reveal at least a few Seychelles Paradise Flycatchers, which are without question among the most rare of Seychelles birds.
Heading further out to the Outer Islands of the Seychelles, among the more interesting birds you will spot are the Frigate Birds, which give name to the country's Fregate Island. These birds are a joy to watch, as they employ some pretty impressive, mid-air acrobatics to steal food away from other sea birds. Frigates can actually be found throughout the Seychelles, much like Grey Plovers.  From the smallest frog to the heaviest land tortoise and the only flightless bird of the Indian Ocean, Seychelles nurtures an amazing array of endemic species within surrounds of exceptional natural beauty. 
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